iPad mini

If you think the iPad Mini is just an excuse for Apple to get you to spend more of your hard-earned money, think again!

You’ve got to get your hands on one of these gadgets because:

1. It’s… well… mini

Unlike its bigger iPad cousin, you can hold the Mini in one hand — which can come in awfully handy when you’re curled up by fire, reading the e-version of your favorite book, with a mug of hot chocolate in your other hand.
And if you plan on hitting the road with your iPad Mini, you’ll be happy to hear that it weighs in at just over half a pound — making it 53% lighter than a traditional iPad. It’s also almost 25% thinner than a traditional iPad. So, if you’re trying to squeeze he most space out of your purse, briefcase, carryon luggage, or even your coat pocket, you will love this thing!
Luckily, the iPad Mini isn’t TOO mini, though. In fact, its 7.9″ screen is nearly a full inch bigger than its 7″ counterparts — like the Kindle Fire, the Nook, the Nexus 7, and the Samsung Tab 2 (even though they’re all grouped into the same category for comparison purposes).

2. It outperforms its size

Whoever said “bigger is better” clearly never saw an iPad Mini. These things may be small, but they come with some serious bells and whistles.
One of the first things you’ll notice is the battery life. Unlike other tablets, you won’t be frantically searching for an electrical outlet if you have an iPad Mini. That’s because independent tests showed that the Mini can handle 13 hours of web browsing before the battery died — a mere 30 minutes less than the traditional iPad! That’s better than any of the other 7-inch tablets on the market. It’s even better than many of the 10-inch tablets on the market!
But that’s not all the Mini can do.
It also comes with built-in WiFi that’s twice as fast as older iPads — but it’s also got a cellular connection that can keep you in the loop no matter where you are.
And, the Mini comes with cameras that rival a professional’s. You’ll be able to shoot 1080p HD movies on it, thanks to iMovie. You’ll also be able to shoot, edit, and share 5-megapixel pictures on it with iPhoto.

3. It’s got access to all of the apps you could ever want — and more!

Apple’s apps have always blown Android’s out of the water, so you’ll be happy to hear that you can download all of them into the iPad Mini.
Just how many are we talking?
You’ll be able to take your pick of more than 275,000 of them!

4. It provides companionship — both human and otherwise

Thanks to FaceTime, you’ll never have to worry about being alone. In fact, the iPad Mini has two built-in cameras so that you can give your fellow FaceTimers the full tour of wherever you are!
And, just in case your friends and family aren’t available to chat, the Mini also comes with Siri. So, whether you need to get a weather report or find a nearby spot for lunch, the Mini can help you do it!

5. It’s a legitimate business tool

With a price tag that’s $170 lower than the traditional iPad and a cellular connection that allows you to be in touch from anywhere, the Mini is a great option for businesses.
Think about it — you can use it for video conferencing, document creating, and email checking. The long battery life means you’ll be able to count on it to last through even the longest of business meetings. And, since it comes with AirPlay (which allows you to play music, videos, and show photos on an HDTV without any confusing cables), it’s the perfect tool for fancy business presentations.

Whether you use it for work or play, you’ll wonder how you ever made it WITHOUT an iPad Mini!

Are you convinced and satisfied about the iPad mini? Are you considering buying another mini? Speak your mind by commenting and sharing.

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  1. Guest 12 years ago

    Obv I’m gonna go with iPad Mini.

  2. APPLEADDICTION 11 years ago

    Just bought it last week!

  3. Adil Farooq 11 years ago

    I really need one for myself …

  4. Zubair Ahmed 11 years ago

    I Really Need Ipod MINI……….. 🙂

  5. matej 11 years ago

    true 🙂

  6. Renata S 11 years ago

    And I’m not convinced yet… lol

  7. Awais Baloch 11 years ago

    Its on my wish list

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